Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 15 of 100! 85 days to go! Fell off the wagon :(

I was doing so good and then the old habits popped up and now I am just very disappointed in myself.  It started the day before Thanksgiving.  I said to myself, "Just today and tomorrow."  I know this game... I should have realized what was going to happen!  I cheated Wed, Thur, then said "Well... just till the end of the weekend.  I will jump right back on starting Monday.  I DESERVE this!"  Really? NO!  I lie to myself and justify it.  I am so mad at myself.  I was doing great. Not craving anything. Feeling full on the healthy stuff I was eating!  And now, I feel sick, crappy, grumpy, bloated!  Not worth it.  I seriously thought to myself "I don't want to waste all the food.  So I will start again after I eat all the leftovers!" I really believed it!  OHHHHH~ So here I start again. Gained 6+ lbs back!  I should be in the 220's and I am now in the high 230's!  Very bummed!  But I am owning it and starting fresh.  I will need to come up with a better plan for Christmas!  That's all for now.  My goal for next weigh in (Dec. 5th) - lose those 6lbs!!!  It won't be easy - but it must be done!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 9 of 100! 91 to go!

Feeling frustrated!  In the past two days I haven't lost anything. I actually gained 1.2lbs!  Eventhough I have not cheated and I was actually waaaaay below calories yesterday (because it was such a long busy day).  But I am going to stick with it.  I know that there will be days like this - which is part of the reason I shouldn't way myself daily - but it does help keep me in check.  So I am going to continue to do it!  I am just soooo close to the the 220's and that is my first mini goal for myself! I will get there though.  Hopefully in time for my next weekly weigh in.  I think part of it is that I haven't been exercising.  I need to make the time.  No excuses!

Yesterday:  I worked from 9-1.  Than had parent conferences and met my girls teachers.  Both are excellent student, good character, listen well, great in Math!  I am very proud and not very surprised.  It is comforting knowing I can look forward to conferences and things because I have such good girls.  Yes, I'm bragging!  My blog - I can do what I want! ;) LOL

Also: After the conferences I had clinical and had my first day in my Maternity rotation.  We were in Post-Partum and got to assess Newborns and Post-Partum moms!  I loved it!  There is just something so exciting and wonderful about sharing in the birth experience!

Well, that is all for now.  I work 9-1 today.  Then off of school and work until next Monday!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 7 of 100! 93 to Go!

Ok!  I know.  I didn't post yesterday - but ONLY because it was the first time in FOREVER that my husband and I had time alone w/no kids - so we spent the day enjoying eachother w/o distraction!!!  It was heavenly!!!  We went out to the Chinese Buffet and I did pretty good.  Avoided all the FRIED stuff!  Stuck mostly with a little rice and veggies. 

Today has been stressful.  I had to go to an 8hr seminar on abuse for nursing school.  It was a LONG day.  Then I came home and Bella screamed and cried for the first half hour and then John and I got into an argument.  The house was a mess.  He didn't do the dishes like I asked.  AND... he chose to allow the girls to have a sleepover at our house today!  So busy, crazy, frustrating, depressing, etc....

BUT!!!  I have not cheated!  I have consistently lost weight every day this week!  AND! I have made it 1 week!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 5 of 100! 95 to go! My Plan:

I guess that it would be important to outline the details of my plan, so here they are:
  • Max 1400 Calories/day
  • Approx. 50% Carbs, 25% Protein, 25% Fat
  • Exercise atleast 20 minutes per day (to be increased as my stamina builds)
In addition to my plan, I have eliminated Icy Tea and Soda from my diet.  I have to get used to drinking water and in all honesty, the caffeine headaches I have been getting for the last few years are NOT worth it! 

Now, for some motivation - here is a list of my favorite HEALTHY foods/drinks:
  • Giant brand Thin Bagels (in Everything, Whole Wheat, and Multi Grain flavors)
  • Sugar free Jello
  • Sugar free/fat free whipped cream
  • My personal version of Cabbage Soup (A: it's yummy! B: You can eat lots w/ few calories/0 fat!)
  • Sugar free, fat free pudding
  • Philadelphia Ice Cream Pudding Pops - 57 Cal and 0 Fat EACH!!!
  • Crystal Light (in moderation because sugar substitutes aren't super healthy - so 1lg or 2sm packs/day)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 4 of 100! 96 Days to go!

Today has been filled with lots of obstacles.... and..... I OVERCAME!!!  I did NOT cheat at all!  I am so proud of myself!  At work, the girls ordered lunch from the restaurant up the street.  I turned it down and stuck with my healthy packed lunch.  Then I came home and I made dinner for my family and some delicious eggplant parm (heavily modified to be super low cal and low fat but super yummy)!  Now we are just about to head out to the movies to see the newest installment of the Twilight Saga - where I WILL avoid the popcorn and sweets!  So, that is my day!  Can't believe I am really doing it!

Back from the movies!  It was sooooo good!  I wish I had it on continuous loop - I could watch it all day!  I am a sucker for romance (pun intended) and Twilight is so magical!  Gives me butterflies.
I survived the popcorn and nachos and pretzels... and got twizzlers.  AND I only ate 6 or 1 serving size!  150 Calories and 0 Fat!  Then when I got home I had a 1/2 c. of sugar free jello w/ff whipped cream!  A wonderful treat w/only 15 calories and 0 fat!

That's all for today! (No exercise today, but I new there wouldn't be much time so I will double up tomorrow!) Good night!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 3 of 100! 97 to go!

It has been 3 days and I have been fully committed EACH day!  I am so proud of myself.  I have been battling a cold/flu this entire journey so far and I still have stuck it out!  This is a huge step for me!

I actually have muscle pain!  MUSCLE pain!  I didn't even think I still have muscles - but they are there... under lots of fat... but I will find them again!  And btw... LOVE Exercise TV!  So much to pick from!  And I get to workout in the comfort of my own home and not have to worry about finding time, because it is so much easier at home!

I never really feel like exercising.  But I have just been making myself do it!  If I have time to spare, I may as well use it to make myself healthy!  I have spent enough time glued to the couch - hence my present condition!  I feel really proud of myself.  I am making concious decisions to stick to it and work to my goal and I have actually been doing it!

My first long-term goal is to reach 199 by Feb 23rd - the end of this 100 day cycle!  My short term goals are to document, blog, and exercise!

Today's plan: Stick to my eating plan - exercise 25 min. or more - and measure myself so I can document that progress as well!

10:50pm - I did it!!!  I stuck to my eating plan 100%.  I made some bangin' low fat tacos!  I also exercised for 30 full minutes!  I am very proud of myself!  The only thing I didn't get to was measuring - because I didn't have time to go to the store to buy a tape!  Woohoo!  3 Days in a row!

Day 2 of 100! 98 to go! 11/16/11

Making it past the first 24 hours is a huge commitment for me!  I usually quit at some point the first day because I don't feel as guilty as if I quit a month or two into it.  But this time is different.... I am NOT quitting!  This is a lifestyle change and I AM changing my life!  I want this sooo bad I can "taste" it!  So, this is my declaration:

I am 100% committed to this journey!

I will stick with this program by promising myself to:
  • Journal EVERY single day on this blog!
  • Use all my free tools to document every step of the way at FITDAY!
  • If it goes in my mouth - it get's documented - NO MATTER WHAT!
  • Exercise everyday! At minimum 15 minutes!